All Executive Officers, both appointed and elected, must meet the following criteria:
They must have completed 6 units of work at Solano community College.
They must be enrolled in 6 units at Solano Community College at the time of filing for office.
They must remain enrolled in at least 6 units at Solano Community College for the duration of their term.
They must have and retain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3. for all classes taken at Solano Community College
Additional requirements may be defined in the Constitution and Bylaws. If you have any questions regarding Executive Officer requirements, please contact the ASSC Advisor/Instructor of Record Denise Martinez, Director of Student Development and Engagement.
The following are the positions open to election in the Fall:
President and Vice-President
The President and Vice-President must run as a joint ticket.
The President and Vice-President preside over the Student Senate meetings. The President meets regularly with the President of the College, manages student committees, proposes the ASSC budget, and makes sure the Senate adheres to policy documents, parliamentary procedure, and the Brown Act. The Vice-President assists in these duties, and runs the Inter-Club Council (ICC.)
Student Trustee
The Student Trustee acts as the vote of the students at all SCC District Governing Board meetings on the first and third of the month. He or she is the liaison between the student body and the Board of Trustees.
Legislative Advocate
The Legislative Advocate reports to the ASSC on federal and state legislative affairs affecting students and the college. He or she also represents the College at national, statewide, and regional student meetings, and serves as the chairperson of the Political Activities Committees.